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Best Practice Resources funded by the
Australian Government Department of Health


Best practice guidelines for anaphylaxis prevention and management

Guidelines aim to provide best practice guidance and associated support documents to reduce the risk of anaphylaxis.

Best practice guidelines

Information for children’s education and care

Best practice guidelines for anaphylaxis prevention and management in Children's Education and Care

The Guidelines have been developed in consultation with key stakeholder organisations, staff working in the children’s education and care (CEC) sector and parents of children who are enrolled in CEC services. These Guidelines aim to provide best practice guidance and associated support documents to reduce the risk of anaphylaxis in CEC services while supporting children to participate in the full range of CEC activities.

Information for schools

Best practice guidelines for anaphylaxis prevention and management in Schools

The Guidelines are based on the current evidence-base and best practice. The Guidelines have been developed in consultation with key stakeholder organisations, principals and staff working in the school sector and parents of school-aged children.

These Guidelines aim to provide best practice guidance and associated support documents to reduce the risk of anaphylaxis in schools while supporting students to participate in the full range of school life.

Content created November 2023.