Anaphylaxis training Q&A
Further questions from Anaphylaxis Update: Schools and CEC Webinar that could not be answered during webcast.
The majority of these anaphylaxis training questions relate to schools in Victoria. Please contact your local Education Department for information specific to your state or territory.
Is there going to be a bridging course for Anaphylaxis Supervisor to cover Anapen®?
Workshops will be available in Term1 to support supervisors using Anapen® devices.
The new, one-hour training workshop gives school anaphylaxis supervisors an overview of:
- the functionality of the Anapen®.
- the differences between the Anapen® and the EpiPen®.
- how to use an Anapen® trainer device (practicing under the supervision of a St John Ambulance trainer).
Additional training is also available for staff and supervisors on managing anaphylaxis:
- Free all staff training – ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-training for Victorian Schools
- Anaphylaxis supervisor training – provided at no cost, by St John Ambulance
Each course has been updated to provide training on the use of the Anapen®. Further information can be found on the following webpage -
Is there a childcare specific Best Practice Guidelines for anaphylaxis prevention and management?
Yes. The National Allergy Strategy has developed separate best practice guidelines for schools and children’s education and care services. The childcare version and supporting resources can be accessed from this link:
There is a quick 2-minute video that shows how to give EpiPen® Is there a quick video I can watch on how to give Anapen®?
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia created a 2-minute video on how to give AnapenÒ -
There are also short videos on signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction including anaphylaxis ( and positioning of the patient during anaphylaxis ( ).
Can I verify staff for Anapen® even though l have not been verified?
The Anapen® workshop is not a substitute for the Course in Verifying the Correct Use of Adrenaline Injector Devices (22579VIC). School anaphylaxis supervisors must have a current certificate in 22579VIC to perform their role.
School anaphylaxis supervisors should participate in the workshop if:
- an enrolled student presents the school with an AnapenÒ ASCIA Anaphylaxis Action Plan
- school staff have, or are, completing the ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-training Course for Victorian Schools between Wednesday 1 September 2021 to Friday 17 December 2021 and will require verification by their school anaphylaxis supervisor in the correct use of the Anapen® within 30 days.
Various workshop dates are available. Schools can book the Anapen® workshop training directly with Hero HQ DET Booking Portal.
As an Anaphylaxis Supervisor will we need to see the staff use both devices before we sign off on their practical training?
In October 2021, the department informed schools about the approval of Anapen® adrenaline (epinephrine) autoinjectors for the treatment of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions) in Australia, and the need for schools to ensure relevant staff are trained to use them.
Since then, every government school campus should have received two Anapen® trainer devices with supporting resources and training materials, supplied by the department.
If your school has not received these devices, please contact the Wellbeing, Health and Engagement Division by email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .To support and ensure school anaphylaxis supervisors are appropriately trained, St John Ambulance is offering a series of free training workshops in November and December 2021.
As a school anaphylaxis supervisor should we now be educating school staff for the twice-yearly checklist with both EpiPen® and Anapen®? Do we therefore need new checklist forms to tick off for this training?
In October 2021, the department informed schools about the approval of Anapen® adrenaline (epinephrine) autoinjectors for the treatment of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions) in Australia, and the need for schools to ensure relevant staff are trained to use them. The school anaphylaxis supervisor checklist is provided in the Resources tab. For further information about checklist forms and other enquiries, Victorian schools should contact the Wellbeing, Health and Engagement Division by email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . -
Are changes being made then to the course Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care (HLTAID011/012) to include the Anapen® more thoroughly as it is not a requirement at the moment?
The Victorian accredited anaphylaxis training course (First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis 22578VIC) has been updated to include Anapen®, however accredited first aid training courses may not be updated until they are due for accreditation review. When booking in for a course, it is recommended that you request education with both EpiPen® and Anapen® trainer devices is provided.
I noticed that the mandatory training that DET staff have to do online still only makes reference to EpiPen®. Will that be changed or updated?
Mandatory training courses will need to be updated to include Anapen®. With regards to state and territory training requirements, people are advised to liaise with the relevant department in your state or territory for guidance.
As a current anaphylaxis verifier, are we now required to complete another full module/bridging course for Anapen® verification too? Or will it just be the practical component?
The accredited Adrenaline autoinjector verifier course has been updated to include Anapen®. ASCIA has also developed an Anaphylaxis refresher training course which includes both EpiPen® and Anapen®.
Why is refresher training recommended to be undertaken twice a year?
The National Allergy Strategy best practice guidelines for anaphylaxis prevention and management recommend refresher training including how to recognise and respond to anaphylaxis, including hands on practice with adrenaline injector devices, be undertaken twice yearly. There is evidence to suggest that this may increase the likelihood that school and childcare staff are able to recognise anaphylaxis and respond appropriately. ASCIA has developed an online anaphylaxis refresher course that takes about 10-15 minutes to complete -
Do we need to have proper training in use of the Anapen® and have a certificate of qualification?
It is recommended that staff who are not due to complete full anaphylaxis training complete the ASCIA anaphylaxis refresher course, which is an online course that takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. On successful completion you can print a certificate which includes a section for an adult to sign off that you have correctly demonstrated both devices.
Is there a childcare specific Best Practice Guidelines for anaphylaxis prevention and management?
Yes. The National Allergy Strategy has developed separate best practice guidelines for schools and children’s education and care services. The childcare version and supporting resources can be accessed from this link:
There is a quick 2-minute video that shows how to give EpiPen. Is there a quick video I can watch on how to give Anapen?
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia created a 2-minute video on how to give Anapen® -
There are also short videos on signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction including anaphylaxis ( and positioning of the patient during anaphylaxis (
Content updated January 2022