Anaphylaxis Update for Health Professionals Webinar 2021
Anaphylaxis Update for Health Professionals
To help inform healthcare professionals, a webinar was conducted by the National Allergy Strategy in partnership with the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia on Wednesday Thursday 18 November 2021.
The expert panel included:
- Dr Katie Frith
- Maria Said
- Briony Tyquin
The webinar
- Provides information about EpiPen® and Anapen®, demonstrates use of both devices and explains what resources are available.
- Provides information about the new ASCIA Action Plans.
- Help you support your patients at risk of anaphylaxis.
- The expert panel answered your questions.
Anaphylaxis Update for Health Professionals Webinar - full version
When we teach patients how to use Anapen®, should we be teaching them to recap it?
Is there a cost difference between the Anapen® and EpiPen®?
I believe there is another brand available, SYMJEPI, is that correct?
Will schools and childcare have both the EpiPen and Anapen® as their general use pens going forward, or do they choose one or the other?
Is there a difference between the shelf-life of EpiPen and Anapen®? Is Anapen® replacing EpiPen® or is EpiPen® going to continue to be available?
My staff have completed the two-yearly anaphylaxis training earlier in the year, do they need to retrain due to Anapen®? When do you recommend that staff train on Anapen®?
Can my child’s school refuse to accept Anapen®?
Do we need to have two pens at hands, always, if necessary?
Should we be prescribing older teens an Anapen® 500 now, even though they’ve had EpiPen® in the past?
When should ASCIA Actions Plans be updated?
Do we need to complete a Drug Allergy Action Plan if the patient has other allergies such as a food allergy?
What are the different doses of EpiPen® and Anapen®?
Is the duration of effect the same for both devices?
What resources are available to patients to help them understand about the two devices that are on the market?
I see the Anapen® needle is smaller and thinner than the EpiPen®. Would this be seen to be more beneficial in young children?
Can a first aider administer more than two doses without advice from an emergency service, as long as they’re waiting the five-minute spacing between them?
If the child has an Anapen®, and you’ve given them their Anapen®, but they need a second dose, can you use an EpiPen®?
Is there any advantage of the Anapen® over the EpiPen® and vice versa?
Content created December 2021